Friday, May 2, 2008

The Almighty Matfot

All of these photos are from late March/April, taken on the Matfot rangefinder i got in Spain.
I was gagging taking the photo of those geese, they smell unbelievably bad.
The skatepark down the bottom is called Meanwhile, and is solely responsible for the purchase of a skateboard, i cant wait to skate there.


Gary chan said...

that park looks mean! and those bumps up the top look super fun, do slides! also I think you should bomb that hill that those slides go down (and through the water if its there)


Straton said...

yep, that park is the best park i've seen. also i now live right behind those 'homerton humps' and plan indeed to boneless slide dat shit when i get my board this week. I have no idea what your talking about the 'water' but if its the canals, your crazy, they shit.